Flexible Dual-hose System PFA / PVC
Dual hose system PFA / PVC – The PFA tubing inside the PVC hose with kink-free Flaretek® connection at both ends.
- Offers outstanding flexibility and provides ultimate safety.
- The tight bending radius greatly eases installation.
- Due to the high flexibility, the dual hoses are suitable to replace of rigid stainless piping or heavy stiff PVC hoses with metal exteriors.
- The reliable leak free seals and Flaretek® connection are immune to high vibration environments.
- Easy and simple installation of sensors for leak detection,
- 密封的彎曲半徑讓安裝變得極爲方便。
- 高度的靈活性使得雙管裝置可以替換堅硬的不鏽鋼或 更加堅硬的配有金屬外殼的PFA管。
- 可靠的密封無泄漏處理與Flaretek®接口不受外來的高頻震動影響。
- 二級隔離層最大限度提供安全保證,使得PFA軟管泄漏液體限制在二級隔離層內,無法流出PVC管。
- 泄漏、溫度控制等感應器簡單易裝